Latest Terms News
Pledge Fund Introduction, Types and Advantages
A pledge fund is a kind of investment vehicle in which the…
Waiver of Exemption Introduction, Purpose, Types and Examples
A waiver of exemption is the act of someone owing money giving…
Oral Will Definition, Importance, Pros and Examples
It is possible for someone to make an oral will by speaking…
Non-Negotiable Definition, Purpose, Examples and Benefits
When something is non-negotiable, it can't be changed or debated. It can…
Asset Management Company Definition, Types, Benefits and Importance
AMC stands for "asset management company." This is a business that spends…
Powershares Definition, Importance, Types, Examples and Benefits
PowerShares is the brand name of a group of exchange traded funds…
Junior Mortgage Definition, Uses, Types and Benefits
A junior mortgage is a loan that comes after a first or…
Residual Value Definition, Examples, Uses and Importance
The residual value, which is also called the salvage value, is how…
Hollywood Stock Exchange Definition, Purpose and Features
The Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) is an online market where "investors" bet…
Load Spread Option Definition, Types, Benefits and Examples
A load spread option is a way to get investors in load…